EFSAdvent is a Windows graphical level editor for the Nintendo GameCube (NGC) game The Legend of
Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.
ESFAdvent is all you need to create brand new levels for FSA and works with all versions of the game.
The major features of EFSAdvent are:
- The layout of rooms within a map can be changed.
- Tile data for any room can be edited.
- Actors can be edited, added to and removed from any room.
EFSAdvent is written by Jay(theHam) Harland in C#.
Version 1.0 was released in September 2009.
A fork of EFSAdvent with additional improvements and features is available here: https://github.com/Venomalia/EFSAdvent
Version 1.2 changes
.szs files are now re-encoded as Yaz0 on export, so layers display correctly on GBA.
Made some drawing faster.
Added bigger brushes.
Increased tile change undo/redo to 500 steps.
Rarc packing now supports arbitrary levels of folders (not that more than two are needed...).
Added tile copy/paste.
Boss500 (Shadow Battle map) can now be loaded.
Window can be resized.
Added ability to clone an existing actor.
Add "Save as" feature to save a level with a different name.
Many small bug fixes and usability tweaks.
Version 1.1 changes
If no actor file exists a new one is made. Creation of new rooms with actors is now possible.
Worked out the first two map variables. X and Y of starting room.
Undo/Redo system implemented for tile changes. 50 steps.
Substantialy increased speed at which layers are drawn.
Layers can now only be edited while the tilesheet tab is selected.
Actors can now be selected by left clicking on their origin marker while the actors tab is selected, the selected actor can be dragged around with the left mouse button.
Can now select either a 1x1 or 2x2 tile brush.
Saves .csv data when exporting.
Supports variable actor sprite sizes.