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So I finally decided to edit this page again. Don't expect much.


ZC Related

Things I've done

  • Created the magical glitch generator!
  • Finished documenting beta quest for OOT v1.2.
  • Made 1,852 edits.
  • Tons of other stuff I can't remember at the top of my head.

Things I've yet to finish

  • Finish the Map Select pages. Kingdom Hearts III will probably be out by the time I get to it.
  • Finish the unfinished recolored wiki skin.
  • Finish the new glitch generator. (Actually, this one is about 95% done! Hooray for progress!)

Glitch Generator v2.0

Still a work in progress. You can see a demo here.

Beta 1

What's different from v1.21:

  • It's been rewritten from scratch.
  • Automatically corrects wrong requirement/step formatting. IE: Using numbers in steps/requirements. This will not automatically add in the hash tag or asterisk due to possibly not requiring it for certain glitches.
  • Checks to see if YouTube video is valid or not. By valid, I mean the video id being correct, not if the video is down or not, though this might possibly come in the future using YouTube's API.
  • Correctly capitalizes the glitch title if not done so, and automatically ignores common words such as 'the' or 'in'.
  • The front-end is much more user friendly and isn't as crappy as the old version; however, I'm not the best at CSS or HTML so a lot of it is probably unnecessary and/or can be done better.
  • New section that the user can check off to determine the type of glitch, e.g. lockup glitch, or limited glitch, etc. (Not added yet)

Beta 2

What's different from Beta 1:

  • The fields with asterisk are now required and not optional, reversed to what it was previously.
  • JavaScript will now check the user input before sending it to the server, and will tell the user what exactly is wrong/missing.
  • Added "belowlinkgame" and "belowlinktext" support through glitch types.
  • Fixed a bug where using a defined common word would be un-capitalized in the title if it was the first word.
  • Added "A Link Between Worlds" as an option.


Zelda Games

All my games are USA copies unless otherwise noted. I have the following (physical copy, not rom):

  • A Link to the Past - SNES
  • Link's Awakening - GB (Not DX version)
  • Oracle of Ages and Seasons - GBC
  • Ocarina of Time - N64
  • Majora's Mask - N64
  • Ocarina of Time/Master Quest - GC
  • Wind Waker USA and JPN - GC
  • Four Swords Adventures - GC
  • Twilight Princess - GC and Wii
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