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Zelda Chaos

Your top resource for all things exploitable in Zelda.

1,117 pages and counting.
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Zelda Glitches

Newest Zelda Glitches

Zelda Chaos News

  • March 4th, 2013 - User of the Month: I am now announcing (very matter of fact) that we will give badges to outstanding members at the end of each month, for our User of the Month awards! Also in other news, we now have the Wind Waker Beta page almost complete, and linked to from the front page.
  • June 15th, 2012 - Wiki Crash: Unfortunately due to circumstances out of my control, the wiki has completely crashed sometime last night (EST) and caused the whole database to be corrupted beyond repair. Luckily, I still had a backup from April 12th, 2012. Although it is a month of updates behind, I think we can get the few new missing glitches back and the loss of edits. I sincerely apologize for this downtime and will start backing up the wiki much more often now to prevent this (or at least try to) from happening again. As for right now, things are still a little fuzzy here and there. Hopefully, I will get this wiki back to it's previous state in a matter of days or so. Discuss...
Random Featured Glitch

Kennel World

In Link's Awakening, this game breaking glitch will take you to the most famous of glitched worlds.

(Want more variety? Add another glitch here!)

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