Minish Cap Glitches - Beanstalk Graphical Bug

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Compatible Versions
Question.png Cross.png Tick.png
Discovered: Marksmithwas12
Verified: No


  • Access to the Beanstalk in Western Wood
  • A copy of the game that has a Spear Moblin one screen before the beanstalk


  1. Go to Hyrule Town (This is to clear RAM, and make it so you're relatively close to where we are going). Loading a save file from this location is fine too.
  2. Keep going south until you exit the town into South Hyrule Field.
  3. Head west and enter the Western Wood area.
  4. Go south until you come to the border of the current screen. Pause then unpause. Do not pause again or the glitch will likely fail.
  5. Continuing down to the next screen, you will see 2 Moblins. If they're both archers in your version, this glitch won't work.
  6. Go back to the previous screen
  7. Go back to the screen with the Moblins and make sure they both notice you. The glitch is now active.
  8. Now go to the beanstalk.


The Beanstalk will be made of a weird grey and red blobby texture. This glitch stays in effect, even if you leave the screen.

Ending the Glitch

The following actions will end the glitch.

  • Shrinking down in size.
  • Leaving the Western Woods


Looking at the Tile Viewer in VisualBoyAdvance shows some interesting stuff going on in RAM. Having 2 kinds of Moblins on screen fills up a lot of space in RAM, but usually this isn't a problem as the beanstalk can find several locations to store its graphics. For some reason, pausing, switching screens like this and getting them to notice you puts a specific graphic into a specific reigon of RAM, and forces the beanstalk into wanting to go where that graphic is when it can't, and it reads its graphics from the beginning of the tile table.

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