Minish Cap Glitches - Delusional Herb
- Obtain all 130 of the figurines you can obtain prior to defeating Vaati for the first time
- Do not defeat Vaati for the first time
- Talk to Herb outside Mama's Café.
Due to a programming oversight, the game appears to check for dashed entries on Carlov's figurine list instead of total figurine count as the requirement to trigger Herb's dialogue that should normally trigger only once every single figurine in the entire game is obtained. Herb will mention you having the Carlov Medal, the reward for obtaining all 136 figurines, despite the fact that you actually don't have it. At this point, Herb will open his house for you to visit. This allows you to claim the 600 Rupees and Piece of Heart inside earlier than you should, as well as use the sound test phonograph to listen to some, but not all, of the music (you'll need to beat Vaati to gain access to the full soundtrack).
The part of the video where this glitch is demonstrated starts at roughly 13:47, where the last of the original 130 figurines is won, and ends at roughly 16:41, showing that the player recording that video indeed does not have the Carlov Medal despite Herb saying he did.