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Greetings. I am Tharthan.

I hail from a region in the northeastern United States called "New England."

We are very conservative in our speech and lifestyle; many of us still lack the pronunciation of final "r"s, just as Britons do.

We DO NOT have the "merry, Mary, marry" merger: a dreadful merger in which the vowels of words ending in "erry" and "arry" are pronounced as if they ended in "ary." Alternatively, words ending in "arry" and "ary" may be pronounced as if they ended in "erry."

Dialects that DO NOT possess the merger pronounce words that end in "-erry" with the "e" of "bet," words that end in "arry" with the "a" of "hat," and words that end "ary" with the "a" of "scary."

Unfortunately, my area's dialect is the only dialect in the United States that still lacks this merger. Thankfully, though, this merger is nonexistant outside the United States.

We also DO NOT have the "hurry, furry" merger: a merger in which words like "hurry" and "flurry" are pronounced with the vowel of "fur."

Dialects that DO NOT possess the merger pronounced words like "hurry" and "flurry" with the "u" of "cut."

Again, my dialect is one of the few U.S. dialects that doesn't have this merger. Once again, though, this merger is nonexistant outside the U.S.

We also pronounce "route" like "root," unlike many other U.S. dialects that pronounce "route" like "rout."

Additionally, we maintain a few Commonwealth English spelling conventions. For example we tend to write "travelling" and "theatre" as opposed to "traveling" and "theater," like the rest of the U.S. does.

I, personally, have a vendetta against the state of California. I feel that they ruin the public image of my country.

In any case, I hope to become a treasured contributer of this wiki.

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