Wind Waker Beta Content - Action Replay
From ZeldaChaos
DPadGamer has posted a video that discusses the unused maps in The Wind Waker. His video explains most of the unused maps very well. From the maps we learn a few interesting things.
- In one map we are able to interact with Poor Maggie and Rich Mila. Their text boxes are simply the first possible text box in the game however, so it isn't super interesting. "You can only call Tingle from areas that have maps!"
- There is a room with water in it that has a checkered texture. It probably relates to how precise you need to be when going treasure hunting.
- The room labelled H_test has a less cartoonish texture that some speculate is left over from before The Wind Waker got its animation style.
- There is a chandelier in one of the test rooms that was seen in the E3 demo, but was never used in-game.