Wind Waker Beta Content - Spaceworld 2001
From ZeldaChaos
- Images from SpaceWorld 2001. The revealing of celda. (19 images)
This is just a setup where the Moblin busts through the door, it's highly unlikely it was actually part of the game, though it would be cool I think. | |
Just like in early versions of OoT Link has brown sleeves on his tunic, these have been changed to light green in the final version. | |
This doesn't really resemble any area in the final game, it looks like a path through a forest. | |
The sword is on A (just like early OoT, anyone else seeing a pattern here?), B is used as the counter attack button, and probably the context sensitive button too. The Bow is on R, and was apparently analog (ie: the more you press the button the further the arrow shoots). | |
Bombs and a hammer are on X and Y. Link's performing a counter attack on the Moblin here. | |
Looks like the same area. | |
Another forest area, but I have no idea what's going on other than it has something to do with those little firefly things you see in Forest Haven. | |
Inside Forsaken Fortress probably, the layout's pretty different, and Link is sneaking. Map's on the right too. | |
Another set piece. | |
Here are hi-res versions of the item icons. | |