ZeldaChaos:MM Map Select

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Gameshark Codes

In order to use Map Select for Majora's Mask, you must first find out your version. For now, I only have USA and JPN working Map Select codes. There is no PAL at the moment.

Majora's Mask (U):

811BDA04 00C7
811BDA06 ADF0
811BDA08 00C7
811BDA0A E2D0
811BDA0C 8080
811BDA0E 0910
811BDA10 8080
811BDA12 3DF0
811BDA18 8080
811BDA1A 1B4C
811BDA1C 8080
811BDA1E 1B28
D11BDA00 8077
801F331B 0000
D13E6B3A 2030
801F331B 0002
D13E6B3A 2030
813FF394 0114

Majora's Mask (J):

811B8894 00C9
811B8896 C1C0
811B8898 00C9
811B889A F6D0
811B889C 8080
811B889E 0AD0
811B88A0 8080
811B88A2 3FE0
811B88A8 8080
811B88AA 1D0C
811B88AC 8080
811B88AE 1CE8
D01FB9E1 0020
811F33BE 0001
D01FB9E0 0004
811F33BE 0000
D01FB9E0 0008
811F33BE 0000

Note: The Japanese version for some reason does not go to the Map Select if you hold down the button combination, it only gets rid of your HUD. Just reset the game and press start on the start screen to get into Map Select, or just make a savestate on the Map Select.

This cheat allows you to go to Map Select when you press and hold L + R + Z. Do not do this before or during the Majora's Mask logo start screen, and or during a cutscene, otherwise you may get greeted with an unknown opcode error on emulation. N64 version may result in a crash.

Map Select Controls and Translations


Control Effect
DPad Movement
Analog Stick Fast Movement
C-Up OPT Value Changer Decrease
C-Down OPT Value Changer Increase
C-Right Change Day Forward
C-Left Change Day Backwards
Z-Button Change Stage
A-Button Enter Area
B-Button Change Age
L-Button Movement by 10
Start Button Enter Area


Day Name Translation
さいしょのひ First Day
つぎ のひ Second Day
さいご のひ Final Day
くりあーのひ Clear Day (New Day)


Stage Name Translation
おひるヅ ャラ Afternoon (12 pm)
よる ヅ ャラ Night (6 pm)
デ モ00-0A Demo 00-0A (cutscenes)
あさ ヅ ャラ Morning (6 am)


Age Name Translation
5(こど も) Kid (Link)
12(デ クナッツ) Deku
78(ゾ ーラ) Zora
30(ゴ ロン) Goron
17(おとな) Adult (Fierce Deity's)

Quick messages before entering area

Message Translation
こしょうじ ゃないよ It hasn't failed (Something along those lines.)
ウェイト ア モーメント Wait a moment
なう れーきんぐ Now Working?
しば らくおまちくだ さい Please wait a moment
いましば らくおまちくだ さい Now, please wait a moment
ちょっと まってね Please wait
ロード ちゃう Loading

Map Select Translation and Other Stuff

Map Name Translation OPT's
X 1:SPOT00 OPT's are same thing as 0:0P.
title All OPT's do the same thing. Display N64 logo and do title sequence as normal.
0:0Pデモよう しんりん
DEMO you shinrin
Forest Demo

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Able to walk around cutscene area, unable to mount on Epona. Skullkid is in the distance.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

0-0:まよい の もり
mayoi no mori
Lost Woods

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Cutscene where you go back in time for the first time. Link's Recollection of events.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

1:タウン こうがい
TAUN kougai
Town Outskirts (Termina Field)

OPT 0 = Coming from South Clock Town Exit
OPT 1 = Skullkid drawing cutscene
OPT 2 = Coming from Great Bay Exit
OPT 3 = Coming from Snowhead Exit
OPT 4 = Coming from Ikana Exit
OPT 5 = Coming from Milk Road Exit
OPT 6 = Coming from South Clock Town Exit
OPT 7 = Coming from East Clock Town Exit
OPT 8 = Coming from North Clock Town Exit
OPT 9 = Coming from Observatory Exit
OPT 10 = Viewing Telescope
OPT 11 = Near Gossip Statue near Ikana Exit
OPT 12 = Cutscene of Moon destroying Termina - Game crashes after it's done.
OPT 13 = Near Entrance to East Clock Town
OPT 14 = Skullkid drawing cutscene again
OPT 15 and above = Crash

1-0: てんもんかんそくじょ
Astral Observatory

OPT 0 = Entrance from Clocktown.
OPT 1 = Entering Observatory from door to outside.
OPT 2 = Talking to Observatory man as if you already looked inside telescope.
OPT 3 and above = Crash

1-1: てんもんかんそくじょ でば うえんこう
tenmonkansokujou deba uenkou
Astronomy Observatory Telescope

OPT 0 = Normal
All other OPT's same as Termina Field ones.

1-2: イカーナ の はかば
IKANA no hakaba
Ikana Graveyard

OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
OPT 1 = Jumping out from one of the graves.
OPT 2 and 3 = Same as OPT 1 but different grave.
OPT 4 = Entrance from Dampe's House.
OPT 5 = Cutscene talking to Captain Keeta. His head also goes through the bridge.
OPT 6 and above = Crash

1-3: ロマニ ぼくじょう
ROMANI bokujou
Romani Ranch

OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
OPT 1 = Completion of Romani's game with a time of 0"00.
OPT 2 = Entrance from barn.
OPT 3 = Entrance from Romani's House.
OPT 4 = Entrance from Chicken Pen.
OPT 5 = Entrance from Dog Track.
OPT 6 = Standing in front of barn.
OPT 7 = ^
OPT 8 = Standing in front of house.
OPT 9 = Standing in front of barn again.
OPT 10 = Talking to Romani to start practice for the "invasion".
OPT 11 = Standing near crate.
OPT 12 and above = Crash

3: ミルク ロード
Milk Road

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Exiting from Romani Ranch, bolder in your way.
OPT 2 = Exiting from Gorman Track from fenced entrance.
OPT 3 = Exiting from Gorman Track from regular entrance.
OPT 4 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
OPT 5 = Same thing as OPT 1 except with different angle.
OPT 6 = Facing entrance to Gorman Track.
OPT 7 and above = Crash

4: おもや

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = ^
OPT 2 and above = Crash

5: うしごや
Cow Barn

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Appear in House
OPT 2 and above = Crash

6: コッコ ごや
KOKKO goya
Cucco Shack

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Getting Red Rupee from Grog.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

7: ドッグ レース じょう
Dog Racetrack

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Right in front of Mamamu Yan.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

8: ゴーマン トラック
Gorman Track

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = In front of Gorman Brothers.
OPT 2 = ^ Different angle.
OPT 3 = Same as OPT 0 except you enter from fenced exit.
OPT 4 = Same as OPT 3 except no intro cutscene.
OPT 5 = You appear on the field near the fence with the Gorman Brothers.
OPT 6 and above = Crash

10: やまざと -ふゆ-
yamazato -fuyu-
Mountain Village -Winter-

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Exiting from Smithy.
OPT 2 = Exiting from path to Goron Village.
OPT 3 = Exiting from Goron Graveyard.
OPT 4 = Exiting from path to Snowhead.
OPT 5 = Talking to Hungry Goron.
OPT 6 = Intro cutscene to area.
OPT 7 = Same as OPT 5 except you come from path to Snowhead.
OPT 8 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
OPT 9 and above = Crash

10-0: やまざと -はる-
yamazato -haru-
Mountain Village -Spring-

All OPT's same as Mountain Village -Winter-.

10-1: やまざと の かじや
yamazato no kajiya
Mountain Village Blacksmith

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 and above = Crash

11: ゴロン の さと -ふゆ-
GORON no sato -fuyu-
Goron Village -Winter-

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = In front of Deku Merchant.
OPT 2 = Exiting Goron Shrine.
OPT 3 = Exiting Lens of Truth Cave.
OPT 4 = Facing Lens of Truth cave from opposite side.
OPT 5 and above = Crash

11-0: ゴロン の さと -はる-
GORON no sato -haru-
Goron Village -Spring-

All OPT's same as Goron Village -Winter-.

11-1: ゴロン の ほこら
GORON no hokora
Goron Shrine

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Exiting from Goron Shop.
OPT 2 = Cutscene of finished playing Goron Lullaby to Baby Goron.
OPT 3 = Same as OPT 0 except no intro cutscene.
OPT 4 and above = Crash

11-2: はなれやま の ほこら
hanareyama no hokora
Separated Shrine <ref name="tlnote1" />

OPT 0 = Lens of Truth Shrine
OPT 1 = Gossip Stone Quartet #1, completely different area now.. leaving warps you to mayor's house, unable to move after that.
OPT 2 = Gossip Stone Quartet #2, same effect as OPT 1.
OPT 3 = Gossip Stone Quartet #3, same effect as OPT 1.
OPT 4 = Inside some shrine with three deku baba's and a chest with a blue rupee. Same effect as OPT 1.
OPT 5 = Inside hot water shrine near Goron Village. I think if you leave in all of them, you end up in the mayor's house no matter what..
OPT 6 = Japanese version shrine in Deku Palace.
OPT 7 = Dodongo pit with heart piece chest already revealed and opened. Leaving takes you to mayor's residence.
OPT 8 = Japanese version shrine in Deku Palace.
OPT 9 = Another random shrine. A pot and crate are in the grass ahead of you, along with some bugs.
OPT 10 = A cow pit this time. Two cows and alot of bushes are ahead of you. Leaving is the usual.
OPT 11 = A water pit this time. Deku babas under water leaf's. One of the hives contains a heart piece. Leaving is the usual.
OPT 12 = Deku Palace Bean shrine.
OPT 13 = Peahat pit near exit to Swamp. Kill it to get a heart piece. Leave to go to Mayor's Residence.
OPT 14 = Same as OPT 6, except you are on the otherside. Exit's do the same thing as OPT 6.
OPT 15 = Same as OPT 8, except you are on the otherside. Exit's do the same thing as OPT 8.
OPT 16 = Same as OPT 0. Leaving takes you outside.
OPT 17 and above = Crash

11-3: ゴロン の みせ
GORON no mise
Goron Shop

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 and above = Crash

12: スノーヘッド

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Exiting from temple.
OPT 2 = Exiting from Fairy Shrine.
OPT 3 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
OPT 4 and above = Crash

13: ふぶき の みち
fubuki no michi
Path to Mountain Village <ref name="tlnote2" />

OPT 0 = Exiting from Termina Field.
OPT 1 = Exiting from Mountain Village.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

14: ゆきだま の みち
yakidama no michi
Path to Snowhead <ref name="tlnote3" />

OPT 0 = Exiting from Mountain Village.
OPT 1 = Exiting from Snowhead.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

15: ゴロン レース じょう
Goron Racetrack

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Starting of the race cutscene then actually doing the race.
OPT 2 = Standing near the race line, no one in sight.
OPT 3 and above = Crash

16: ゴロン の はか
GORON no haka
Goron Tomb <ref name="tlnote4" />

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Cutscene after song is done, mask falls off tombstone.
OPT 2 and above = Crash

17: せつげん バトル -ふゆ-
setsugen BATORU -fuyu-
Path to Goron Village -Winter- <ref name="tlnote5" />

OPT 0 = Exit from Mountain Village.
OPT 1 = Exit from Goron Village.
OPT 2 = Exit from Goron Racetrack.
OPT 3 and above = Crash

17-0: せつげん バトル -はる-
setsugen BATORU -haru-
Path to Goron Village -Spring- <ref name="tlnote5" />

Same OPT's as above.

20: ぬまち
Swampland Cursed

OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
OPT 1 = Exiting from Tourist Information.
OPT 2 = Exiting from Woodfall.
OPT 3 = Exiting from Deku Palace main exit.
OPT 4 = Exiting from Deku Palace Deku exit.
OPT 5 = Exiting from Potion Shop.
OPT 6 = Boat cruise.
OPT 7 = Exiting from Mysterious Woods.
OPT 8 = Exiting from Swamp Spiderhouse.
OPT 9 = Exiting from Ikana waterfall.
OPT 10 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
OPT 11 and above = Crash

20-0: ぬまち そのご
numachi sonogo
Swampland Uncursed <ref name="tlnote6" />

OPT 0 = Normal entrance, no intro cutscene.
All other OPT's same as above.

20-1: ぬま の かんこうあんない
numa no kankouannai
Swamp Tourist Information Center

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 = Talking to Kounme as if you lost.
OPT 2 = Talking to Tingle's father about bringing another photograph sometime.
OPT 3 and above = Crash

20-2: まほう おばば の くすりや
mahou obaba no kusuriya
Magic Hag's Potion Shop<ref name="tlnote7" />

OPT 0 = Normal
OPT 1 and above = Crash

21: ウッド マウンテン
Wood Mountain (Woodfall)

OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
OPT 1 = Exiting from Woodfall Temple. (You will fall into the poisoned water as the temple isn't there.)
OPT 2 = Exiting from Fairy's Fountain.
OPT 3 = Exiting from back of Woodfall Temple. (Once again, you will fall into the poisoned water as the temple isn't there.)
OPT 4 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
OPT 5 = Entering Uncursed Southern Swamp with weird opening effect? (I have no idea why this is one of the options.)
OPT 6 = Same as OPT 5.
OPT 7 = Gyorg Child challenge in the moon with a entrance cutscene? (Again, I have no idea why this is one of the options. The cutscene is most possibly beta?)
OPT 8 = Same as OPT 7 except you teleport in as if you took the wrong path.
OPT 9 and above = Crash

21-0: デク-ひめ の ろうや
deku-hime no rouya
Princess Deku's jail

OPT 0 = Normal entrance with cutscene.
OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0.
OPT 2 = Entering from Woodfall.
OPT 3 and above = Crash

22: デク ナッツ の しろ
DEKU NATTSU no shiro
Deku Nuts Castle (Deku Palace)

OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
OPT 1 = Link getting back up as if kicked out by guards.
OPT 2 = Exiting from Royal Chamber.
OPT 3 = Exiting from Royal Chamber area where monkey is tied up.
OPT 4 = Exiting from Deku Shrine. (Prepare to get sucked and shot into the water by the Octorok.)
OPT 5 = Exiting from Woodfall Shortcut.
OPT 6 = In Deku Palace Maze next to two blue rupees and a tree. (This was where a pit was supposed to be in the original JPN version, but replaced with two blue rupees.)
OPT 7 = In Deku Palace Maze near heart piece and right in the open. (There was supposed to be a pit here too, but it got changed in the later versions.)
OPT 8 = ??? (I can't really explain what it's called, but there were supposed to be two pits here in the original JPN version. But nothing in the USA/PAL versions.)
OPT 9 = One notch below OPT 8. (Once again, this was where a pit was in the original JPN version.)
OPT 10 = Green rupees and a red rupee. (The rupees were moved up a bit and replaced the pit in the later versions.)
OPT 11 = Same as Woodfall OPT 5.
OPT 12 = Mountain Smithy. (I haven't a clue of why this random place is under Deku Palace.)
OPT 13 and above = Crash

This is the old Map Select info. It will be converted into the one above in time.

(Please note that 22-0 to 22-4 are all nonexistent in the future versions of Majora's Mask and only exist in the JPN N64 version.)
22-0: Hole 0 in Deku Palace
* OPT 0 = Normal
* OPT 1 = Gossip Stone Quartet Pit #1
* OPT 2 = Gossip Stone Quartet Pit #2
* OPT 3 = Gossip Stone Quartet Pit #3
* OPT 4 = Rupee Chest Pit in Termina Field
* OPT 5 = Hot Water Pit near Racetrack entrance.
* OPT 6 = Opposite side of OPT 0.
* OPT 7 = Dodongo Pit.
* OPT 8 = 22-2.
* OPT 9 = Deku merchant pit who sells you a heart piece.
* OPT 10 = Cow pit.
* OPT 11 = Water Baba Pit (Near entrance to Great Bay in Termina Field.)
* OPT 12 = Magic Bean merchant pit.
* OPT 13 = Peahat Pit.
* OPT 14 = 22-1.
* OPT 15 = Opposite side of OPT 8.
* OPT 16 = Len's of Truth Cavern.
* OPT 17 and above = Crash

22-1: Hole 1 in Deku Palace
* OPT 0 = Normal
* OPT 1-17 = Same as 22-0.

22-2: Hole 2 in Deku Palace
* OPT 0 = Normal
* OPT 1-17 = Same as 22-0.

22-3: Hole 3 in Deku Palace
* OPT 0 = Normal
* OPT 1-17 = Same as 22-0.

22-4: Hole 4 in Deku Palace
* OPT 0 = Normal
* OPT 1-17 = Same as 22-0.

24: Swamp Termina Road
* OPT 0 = Entrance from Termina Field.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Southern Swamp.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Shooting Gallery.
* OPT 3 and above = Crash

24-0: Swamp Shooting Gallery
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

25: Deku King's Chamber
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance (You will get caught immediately if you start as Normal Link.)
* OPT 1 = Deku Entrance with Monkey.
* OPT 2 = Deku's releasing the monkey cutscene. (Both the princess and the monkey are invisible. You will be caught after the cutscene even though you "cleared" the temple.)
* OPT 3 = After OPT 2 cutscene?
* OPT 4 and above = Crash

26: Woods of Mystery
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-13 = Same as Woodfall OPT 5. (No idea how this relates to Woods of Mystery...)
* OPT 14 = Link's recollection of events cutscene.
* OPT 15 and above = Crash

There is no 27 - 29.

30: Great Bay Coast
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Northern Great Bay.
* OPT 2 = Aftermath of cutscene where Mikau gets up from shore and falls down shortly after. (Mikau isn't there.)
* OPT 3 = Entrance from Pinnacle Rock.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Fisherman's Hut.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from Pirates' Fortress.
* OPT 6 = ??? Near heart piece cove. You are on the shore though.
* OPT 7 = Entrance from Marine Research Lab.
* OPT 8 = Entrance from Oceanside Spider House.
* OPT 9 = Cutscene of Mikau fading away and Link getting his mask.
* OPT 10 = Cutscene of Link bowing at Mikau's Grave.
* OPT 11 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
* OPT 12 = Being kicked out of Pirates' Fortress.
* OPT 13 = On Platform Jumping Game. (Nothing is here as the area is still cursed.)
* OPT 14 and above = Crash

30-0: Marine Research Lab
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash.

30-1: Fisherman's Hut
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash.

30-2: Pinnacle Rock
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0?
* OPT 2 and above = Crash.

31: Northern Bay Coast
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Zora Hall.
* OPT 2 = Next to Lulu.
* OPT 3 = ??? Shoreline on Northern Bay Coast.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Waterfall Rapids.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from Fairy's Fountain.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
* OPT 7 = Facing Zora Hall Entrance. (Possibly considered entrance from Great Bay Temple?)
* OPT 8 = Falling from the air, facing Zora Hall Entrance. (Warp from after you beat the temple? Except you face another direction.)
* OPT 9 = Same as OPT 8 except a bit longer and a different direction.
* OPT 10 and above = Crash

32: Pirates Fortress
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Pirates' Fortress Inside Normal Entrance.
* OPT 2 = Exiting from Underwater Maze Entrance.
* OPT 3 = Exiting from Underwater Maze Current.
* OPT 4 = Being kicked out from Pirates' Fortress Inside.
* OPT 5 = Exiting from Pirates' Fortress Inside Side Exit.
* OPT 6 = Exiting from Underwater Maze Exit.
* OPT 7 and above = Crash

32-0: Pirates' Fortress Inside
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from area with Hookshot.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from area with Hookshot near bridge.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from 32-4.
* OPT 4 = 32-3.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from 32-6.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from 32-7.
* OPT 7 = Entrance from 32-8.
* OPT 8 = Entrance from 32-9.
* OPT 9 = Falling into oblivion...
* OPT 10 = 32-1.
* OPT 11 = Falling into oblivion again...
* OPT 12 = Intro cutscene to area through side entrance.
* OPT 13 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 14 and above = Crash

32-1: Pirates' Fortress Telescope
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-2: Pirates' Fortress Room 0 (Room with Hookshot)
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance. (Will get caught immediately.)
* OPT 1 = Top Entrance.
* OPT 2-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-3: Pirates' Fortress Room 1 (Room with Hookshot, Top Entrance)
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0.
* OPT 2-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-4: Pirates' Fortress Room 2 (Room with Silver Rupee Chest)
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Pirates' Fortress Room 1 Top Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-5: Pirates' Fortress Room 3
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-6: Pirates' Fortress Room 4
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-7: Pirates' Fortress Room 5
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-8: Pirates' Fortress Room 6
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-9: Pirates' Fortress Room 7
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-10: Pirates' Fortress Room 8
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

32-11: Pirates' Fortress Room 9
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-14 = Same as 32-0.

33: Zora Hall
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area, normal entrance.
* OPT 1 = Intro cutscene to area, second entrance.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Zora Shop.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from Lulu's Room.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Evan's Room.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from Japa's Room.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from Mikau and Tijo's Room.
* OPT 7 = After cutscene of the Indigo's playing?
* OPT 8 = Same as above except on the shell.
* OPT 9 and above = Crash

33-0: Zora Shop
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Japa's Room.
* OPT 2 = Lulu's Room.
* OPT 3 = Evan's Room.
* OPT 4 = After cutscene of jamming with Japa.
* OPT 5 = Same as OPT 0.
* OPT 6 = After cutscene of showing the song to Evan.
* OPT 7 and above = Crash.

33-1: Mikau and Tijo's Room
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-7 = Same as 33-0.

34: Scene of Pirates trying to get into Great Bay Temple
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

35: Waterfall Rapids
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
* OPT 1 = Racing younger beaver. (No game music playing)
* OPT 2 = Younger Beaver loss
* OPT 3 = Opposite side of entrance. (I don't know the circumstances of how you get here.)
* OPT 4-5 = Southern Swamp with weird entrance effect.
* OPT 6 = Beneath the Well - Well Entrance.
* OPT 7 = Beneath the Well - Castle Entrance.
* OPT 8 and above = Crash

There is no 36 - 39.

40: Stone Tower
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
* OPT 1 = Opposite side of temple entrance. (You end up here after you invert the temple back to normal I believe.)
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Stone Tower Temple.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
* OPT 4 and above = Crash

40-0: Inverted Stone Tower
* OPT 0 = Cutscene of Inverted Stone Tower going back to normal. (Near Owl Statue)
* OPT 1 = Cutscene of Inverted Stone Tower going back to normal. (On entrance to STT)
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

41: Ikana Termina Road
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Ikana Canyon.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Ikana Graveyard.
* OPT 3 and above = Crash

42: Ancient Castle of Ikana
* OPT 0 = Entrance from Beneath the Well. (There seems to be no music for OPT 0-2)
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Ikana Canyon.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Ancient Castle of Ikana.
* OPT 3 = Inside the Ancient Castle of Ikana.
* OPT 4 = Dropping from skylight in the main room.
* OPT 5 = Dropping from skylight in the room to the right.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from Boss Area.
* OPT 7 and above = Crash

42-0: Inside Ancient Castle of Ikana
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-7 = Same as 42.

42-B: Inside Ancient Castle of Ikana before Boss Room
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

43: Ikana Canyon
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to area.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Ghost Hut.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Music House.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from Stone Tower.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from Sakon's Hideout.
* OPT 6 = Same as OPT 5.
* OPT 7 = Near Stone Tower Entrance. (This is where you start after you defeat the boss at STT.)
* OPT 8 = Entrance from Ancient Castle of Ikana.
* OPT 9 = Music House and Gibdo cutscene.
* OPT 10 = Ikana Cave cutscene with composer.
* OPT 11 = Entrance from Fairy's Fountain.
* OPT 12 = Entrance from Secret Shrine.
* OPT 13 = Entrance from Ikana Cave.
* OPT 14 = Same as 43-0.
* OPT 15 = Entrance from Ikana Termina Road.
* OPT 16 and above = Crash

43-0: Ikana Cave
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-16 = Same as 43.

43-1: Sakon's Hideout
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

43-2: Music Box House
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-2 = Southern Swamp with weird entrance effect.
* OPT 3 = Before Boss Room in Ancient Castle of Ikana.

There is no 44 - 49.

50: East Clock Town
* OPT 0 = Entrance from Termina Field.
* OPT 1 = Intro cutscene to area near Shooting Gallery.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Bomber's Hideout.
* OPT 3 = Intro cutscene to area near Clock Tower.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Treasure Chest Shop.
* OPT 5 = Intro cutscene to area from North Clock Town.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from Honey & Darling's Shop.
* OPT 7 = Entrance from Mayor's Residence.
* OPT 8 = Entrance from Town Shooting Gallery.
* OPT 9 = Entrance from Stock Pot Inn Normal Entrance.
* OPT 10 = Entrance from Stock Pot Inn Deku Entrance.
* OPT 11 = Entrance from Milk Bar.
* OPT 12 and above = Crash

50-0: Town Shooting Gallery
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0 except the place isn't printed on the screen.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

50-1: Honey & Darling's Shop
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

50-2: Treasure Chest Shop
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Try again message.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

50-3: Stock Pot Inn
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from upstairs.
* OPT 2 = In front of Anju's grandma.
* OPT 3 = In kitchen. (This is after the talk with Anju at night.)
* OPT 4 = Anju talking to her mother through Link's Peephole. (Both are invisible.)
* OPT 5 = After looking through the peephole.
* OPT 6 and above = Crash

50-4: The Mayor's Residence
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Argument in Mayor's Office.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

50-5: Milk Bar
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

51: West Clock Town
* OPT 0 = Entrance from Termina Field.
* OPT 1 = Intro cutscene to area near Curiosity Shop.
* OPT 2 = Intro cutscene to area near Clock Tower.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from Swordsman's School.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Curiosity Shop.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from Trading Post.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from Bomb Shop.
* OPT 7 = Entrance from Post Office.
* OPT 8 = Entrance from Lottery Shop.
* OPT 9 = Entrance from Termina Field.
* OPT 10 and above = Crash

51-0: Bomb Shop
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0 except the place isn't printed on the screen.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

51-1: Curiosity Shop
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Laundry Pool.
* OPT 2 = Gazing through telescope.
* OPT 3 = On top of crate in front of telescope.
* OPT 4 and above = Crash

51-2: Trading Post
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0 except the place isn't printed on the screen.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

51-3: Swordsman's School
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

51-4: Post Office
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

51-5: Lottery Shop
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

52: North Clock Town
* OPT 0 = Entrance from Termina Field.
* OPT 1 = Intro cutscene to area from East Clock Town.
* OPT 2 = Intro cutscene to area from South Clock Town.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from Fairy's Fountain.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from Deku Scrub's Playground.
* OPT 5 = Near Termina Exit. (I think this was where you start after the Bomber's Cutscene.)
* OPT 6 = Next to Bomber Leader.
* OPT 7 = After saving old woman with bombs.
* OPT 8 and above = Crash

53: South Clock Town
* OPT 0 = Entrance from Clock Tower.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Termina Field.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from East Clock Town near Clock Tower.
* OPT 3 = Entrance from West Clock Town near Clock Tower.
* OPT 4 = Entrance from North Clock Town near Clock Tower.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from West Clock Town near Deku Flower.
* OPT 6 = Entrance from Laundry Pool.
* OPT 7 = Entrance from East Clock Town near Treasure Chest Shop.
* OPT 8 = On Heart Piece next to Top of Tower entrance.
* OPT 9 = Entrance from Song of Soaring.
* OPT 10 = Cutscene at South Clock Town after playing SOT for the first time.
* OPT 11 and above = Crash

53-0: Scene of Link entering twisted hallway
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from South Clock Town.
* OPT 2 = Cutscene of Deku Mask coming off.
* OPT 3 = Cutscene of talking to Salesman after you fail to stop the moon from falling.
* OPT 4 = Same as 53 OPT 10 except with Salesman at beginning briefly.
* OPT 5 = Entrance from Twisty Hallway.
* OPT 6 = Cutscene after Majora's Mask history.
* OPT 7 and above = Crash

54: Scene of Link on top of Clock Tower
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Cutscene after Link remembering Song of Time.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

55: Laundry Pool
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Kafei's House.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

55-0: Kafei's House
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0.
* OPT 2 = Looking through Telescope.
* OPT 3 = On top of crate in front of telescope.
* OPT 4 and above = Crash

55-1: Kafei's House Telescope
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1-4 = Same as 55-0.

There is no 56 - 99.

100: Woodfall Temple
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to Woodfall Temple.
* OPT 1 = Cutscene in back of the temple after meeting the first giant.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from back of Woodfall Temple.
* OPT 3 and above = Crash

100-B: Woodfall Temple Boss
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

101: Snowhead Temple
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to Snowhead Temple.
* OPT 1 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

101-B: Snowhead Temple Boss
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

102: Great Bay Temple
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Intro cutscene to Great Bay Temple.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

102-B: Great Bay Temple Boss
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Cutscene of Link falling onto platform down below.
* OPT 2 = Entrance from Tourist Information with weird entrance effect.
* OPT 3 = Secret Shrine.
* OPT 4 and above = Crash

103: Stone Tower Temple
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to Stone Tower Temple.
* OPT 1 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

103-0: Stone Tower Temple Inverted
* OPT 0 = Intro cutscene to Stone Tower Temple Inverted.
* OPT 1 = Boss Room.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

103-B: Stone Tower Temple Boss
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0 but this is if you died and already seen the cutscene.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

104: Inside the Moon
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

104-0: Mini Dungeon - Woodfall
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

104-1: Mini Dungeon - Snowhead
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

104-2: Mini Dungeon - Great Bay
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

104-3: Mini Dungeon - Last
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

104-B: Majora Boss
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

119: Deku Shrine
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Same as OPT 0 except the place isn't printed on the screen.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

There is no 120.

121: Secret Shrine
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

122: Link falling into pit with Skullkid before he transforms into Deku
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Entrance from Twisty Hallway.
* OPT 2 = Cutscene before transforming into Deku.
* OPT 3 = Deku Flower platform room.
* OPT 4 = Cutscene of Link traveling back in time for the first time. Recollection of events.
* OPT 5 and above = Crash

123: Meeting the Giant
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 and above = Crash

There is no 124 - 125.

126: Deku Playground
* OPT 0 = Normal Entrance.
* OPT 1 = Next to Deku's.
* OPT 2 and above = Crash

127-0: Clock Town Fairy Fountain
127-1: Woodfall Fairy Fountain
127-2: Snowhead Fairy Fountain
127-3: Great Bay Fairy Fountain
127-4: Stone Tower Fairy Fountain
128: Swamp Spider House
129: Ocean Spider House
130: Beneath the Graveyard
131: Beneath the Well
132: Ghost Hut
133-0: Beneath the Graveyard Day 2
133-1: Beneath the Graveyard Day 1
134-0: Gossip Stone Quartet
134-1: Gossip Stone Quartet
134-2: Gossip Stone Quartet
134-3: Gossip Stone Quartet
134-4: Hole
134-5: Hot Spring Hole
134-7: Dodongo Pit
134-9: Deku Dealer Pit
134-10: Cow Pit
134-11: Underwater Deku Pit
134-13: Pea Pit

Translation Notes

<references> <ref name="tlnote1">This one doesn't have an official translation. Hanareyama pretty much means detached/seperated which fits the grotto's description nicely as they are separated from the above world.</ref> <ref name="tlnote2">The real translation of this is Snowstorm Path, it didn't make much sense so I just translated it as Path to Mountain Village as it can be confused with the 14.</ref> <ref name="tlnote3">This is translated as Snowball Path but once again I changed it so people wouldn't get confused...</ref> <ref name="tlnote4">The English version of the game translates this as Goron Graveyard, however there is only one grave so it's not really a graveyard...</ref> <ref name="tlnote5">This is translated as Snowfield Battle -Winter-. That's not a name in the game so I'm going to go along with just Path to Goron Village.</ref> <ref name="tlnote6">sonogo means the aftermath/afterwards/etc.</ref> <ref name="tlnote7">kusuriya generally means pharmacy/drug store. I'm assuming Nintendo changed this for the English version to remove any drug like possible references.</ref> </references>

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