Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Back to Basics

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Compatible Versions
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 GCN MQ 3DS
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png Question.png
Discovered: Carlo Vd Cijs
Verified: Yes


  1. Go to the Lost Woods as Child Link.
  2. Enter from Kokiri Forest and take the tunnel on the left (you don't have to enter from Kokiri Forest, but it provides the easiest directions).
  3. You'll be in the area with the Skull Kid on a log -- he's the one you sell the Skull Mask too.
  4. This next step varies depending on whether or not you've sold the Skull Mask to the Skull Kid.
    • If you haven't sold him the Skull mask, hop onto the smaller stump and Z-Target him. Still targeting him, hop off the stump and approach him.
    • If you've sold him the Skull Mask, don't hop onto the stump, but do Z-Target him. Take out the Slingshot or Boomerang and shoot/throw it at him.
  5. He'll do a backflip away from you, and as he does so, he'll disappear. Press C-Up as soon as he starts the backflip.
  6. Navi's info box will pop up. Get rid of it and the B and C-button icons should fade away.


The buttons will come back if you climb a ladder, enter water deep enough to swim in, leave the Lost Woods, engage in conversation, or catch something in a bottle.

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