Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Fogged
- You need to have learned the Nocturne of Shadow.
- You cannot have beaten the Shadow Temple.
- Enter Kakariko Village from Hyrule Field.
- As soon as you take a step through Kakariko Village's main gate, it will begin to rain. Immediately turn around and run back down the stairs to Hyrule Field.
- Speed is vital at this point; you have to exit Kakariko Village as quickly as possible after the rain starts. I strongly suggest that on the way back out you do a couple of rolls, which are slightly faster than just running.
If you exited Kakariko Village fast enough, Hyrule Field will now be filled with a thick green, black or blue mist, depending on the time of day. The glitchiest fog effects happen at sunrise and sunset, so try playing the Sun's Song to have a look at them. From here you can go to most other areas in the game and they'll have fog too! You get different effects for different areas.
Also, an area's music will not change as time passes -- whatever was playing when you first entered a map will continue to play.
Getting Rid of the Fog
The following actions will get rid of the fog.
- Warping.
- Entering a grotto.
- Falling into a bottomless pit, or really any injury that immediately restarts you at the entrance to the current map.
- Includes falling into a void and getting lost in the Haunted Wasteland.
- Playing the Sun's Song in an area where time doesn't pass.
- Entering Kakariko Village.
- Entering a house or a dungeon.
- Doing the obstacle course in Lon Lon Ranch.
- Dying.
Temporarily Getting Rid of the Fog
The following actions will temporarily remove the fog.
- Entering Goron City.
- Positioning the camera underwater.
Typical Results (by type)
These are generalized descriptions of the fog's "behavior" in certain maps. If you happen to notice a similarity between two maps (or one map at different times), then it may be a type, and should be added here.
Zero Visibility
In some maps, the visibility will continue to drop until it gets so low that the fog becomes completely opaque and the game crashes. This particular crash is debuggable; opening the debug screens reveals that the crash is the result of a floating-point exception. Screenshots of Ocarina of Time's Debug ROM reveal that the game has a "visibility" setting, so the most likely cause of the crash was that the visibility was set to zero, and then something tried to divide by it.
Infinite Visibility
Well, not infinite, but insanely high. That is, on some maps (and at certain times of the day), the visibility will be set so high that you can actually see through some objects. That is, a Z-fighting phenomenon happens, but it happens to everything, not just faces that are in the exact same spot. The basic result of this is that parts of objects in the background will render in front of parts of objects in the foreground. The game's 3D rendering engine loses almost all sense of depth.
To see a great example of this, leave Epona as close to Kakariko Village's entrance (in Hyrule Field) as possible, do the glitch at daytime, and then when you exit Kakariko Village, immediately hop onto Epona and run like hell to the entrance to Kokiri Forest (which is technically the entrance to the Lost Woods), then enter ASAP. Everything in the bridge room (and in the Lost Woods, because the bridge room is part of the Lost Woods) will have a dark red tint, and this Z-fighting effect will be present.
Typical Results (by area and time)
These are the typical results, sorted by area and time. This is not nearly comprehensive; if you happen to know of another result, please feel free to add it here -- and please note the type of the result (see the Typical Results (by type) section).
Let's hope that the area and time of day are the only two factors affecting the fog; otherwise, we may have to restructure or just completely delete this section!
Hyrule Field
You can see the fog in Hyrule Field at any particular time of day by simply entering Kakariko Village and doing the glitch at that time.
Hyrule Field will be filled with a green fog that will continue to thicken until the game crashes. This is a Zero Visibility result.
If you need to get to another map during the day, you're going to need to place Epona right outside of the entrance to Kakariko Village before doing the glitch. Then, immediately after exiting Kakariko Village, roll (don't run -- speed is critical here!) down the stairs to Epona, hop onto her, and ride like hell to wherever you need to go. You'll need to reach your destination before the game crashes, so don't stop for anything.
In my experience, it's only really possible to make it to the Lost Woods and Kokiri Forest from Kakariko Village during the day.
Lost Woods
Everything will have a dark red hue, and the (real) doors in the Lost Woods will often flicker, turning cyan for fractions of seconds. Also, depth will be distorted, and objects in the background may be rendered on top of objects in the foreground. This is an Infinite Visibility result.