Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Infinite Cinema
- This glitch can only be done as Child Link because...
- You need the Fairy Slingshot.
- You can't have gotten the Deku Seed bag upgrade by shooting the hanging target.
- Enter the Lost Woods.
- Go to the area where the hanging target is.
- Directly opposite the hanging target is one of the passages that leads into another area of the Lost Woods; slowly back into this tunnel while watching the hanging target. Stop when you can barely see the target anymore.
- Pull out the Slingshot.
- Aim it at the target (which you should barely be able to see) and get two bulls-eyes in a row. Now have the slingshot aimed so that the next shot will also be a bulls-eye.
- Shoot the third shot, and, before the seed has time to hit the target, press and hold Z and do a backflip.
If done correctly, you'll finish the backflip just as the seed hits the target. The game now zooms in on the target like it normally does so the Deku Scrub can come out and give you the upgrade; however, the backflip will have taken you out of that room and through a loading point, removing the target room from memory and, effectively, from existence. This results in the camera just zooming in on nothing and you are left sitting there with a screen of space while those little sparkly things float around.
The game is waiting for the Deku Scrub in that room to give you the Deku Seed upgrade, but because the Deku Scrub isn't loaded, he can't give you the upgrade, and because he can't give you the upgrade, the cinema can't finish. You'll now have to reset the game.