Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu
From ZeldaChaos
- This glitch can only be done as Child Link.
- You need to have already fed Lord Jabu-Jabu a fish.
- Go to Zora's Fountain.
- To either side of his head are small sections of fence; climb onto one of these.
- Your close proximity to him will have made him open his mouth. Take a running jump from the fence and attempt to land as far back in his mouth as possible.
- If you jumped far enough, you'll be standing at the very back of his mouth (if you didn't you'll slide towards the front of his mouth and be taken into the dungeon). Now you can walk through the back of his mouth (it isn't solid) and you'll fall into water inside him.
You are now inside Lord Jabu-Jabu -- not in the dungeon but really inside him, right in the middle of him. You can see his tail and flippers and if you want to leave just swim out through one of his sides.
In video games, the inside of an object is not the same as the inside of the outside of an object. When you're in Zora's Fountain, the outside of Lord Jabu-Jabu is there, but the inside of Lord Jabu-Jabu (the dungeon) isn't -- there's just empty space. Likewise, when you're inside of Lord Jabu-Jabu (the dungeon), his outside is not present -- if you somehow glitched your way through one of the "walls" of the dungeon, you'd find that there's just empty space.