Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Like-Like Luvin
From ZeldaChaos
- Go into the Water Temple.
- Go to the room that has a crystal shock switch in the middle that you have to hit to raise/lower the water level so that you can make your way to the end of the room.
- Go to the last part of the room -- the part that has a Like-Like in it. Go into the left-hand corner of this part of the room (left-hand when facing the door that takes you to Dark Link) and let the Like-Like come over and swallow you.
- When it has finished devouring you, the Like-Like should spit you out onto the left hand wall. Quickly, before you stop flashing red, pull out your Hookshot/Longshot and shoot the Like-Like with it.
If done correctly you'll be forced backwards through the wall and will fall into water below.
You'll find yourself in water surrounded by pink space. You can swim back through the wall into the first part of the room or off into the pink space, where you'll fall for a while before appearing at the start of the room again.