Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Location I

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Positioning Epona in Step 2.
Returning to Epona in Step 4.
Fun fact: the inside of the tent and the inside of the outside of the tent are two completely different things, and here, Link is in the latter.
Compatible Versions
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 GCN MQ 3DS
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Question.png
Discovered: CCFH
Verified: Yes


  1. Go to Gerudo Valley, and call and mount Epona.
  2. Head to the right-hand side of the tent and, while facing it, get as close to it as you can. (Screenshot 1)
  3. Dismount Epona and go to the Gerudo Fortress. Play Epona's Song, then the Sun's Song.
  4. Epona will now be standing a little way in front of you. Mount her and move about two steps forward, then turn her 90° to the left or right. Get off her and go back to Gerudo Valley.
  5. Play Epona's Song, enter the Carpenter's Tent then exit.


Epona should now be halfway through the right-hand side of the tent (if she isn't, or is completely inside the tent, then you'll have to start over -- try moving her a little more/less forward in step 4). Walk up beside her and press A to mount her; you should now be able to make her move forward into the middle of the tent.

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