Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Skip the Puzzle II

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Compatible Versions
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 GCN MQ 3DS
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Question.png
Discovered: dvdmth
Verified: Yes


  1. Enter the Water Temple.
  2. Drop down to the ground floor and go around the "tower" in the middle of the room. There is a passage on the other side; enter it.
  3. At the end of this passage is a room. Climb out of the water and use the Longshot to get to the other side of the room.
  4. Go through the door and make your way across to the other side of this next room.
  5. Go through this door to end up in a smaller room with a switch underwater. Equip the Iron Boots and stand on the switch.
  6. This will raise the water level. As soon as the water level stops rising, remove the Iron Boots and swim towards the ledge where the door leading to the next room is. Use the B button to swim faster.


If you're fast enough you'll make it to the ledge before the water level drops too far; you can now go onto the next room without having had to bomb the walls and push the block around, which is what you're meant to do.

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