Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Slow Death

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Compatible Versions
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 GCN MQ 3DS
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Question.png
Discovered: JaytheHam
Verified: Yes


  • You can't have beaten Ghoma yet.


  1. Start the battle against Ghoma.
  2. Get your health down to half a heart (or less, but not zero).
  3. Damage Ghoma to the point where she won't survive your next attack (she can take 5 jumping sword attacks or 3 jumping Deku Stick attacks).
  4. When she's lying on the ground, unconscious, get right up close to her (as in touching her) and do a jumping attack to finish her off.


As the attack connects (and kills Ghoma), Link should be damaged for being so close; but the cinema showing Ghoma dying will immediately kick in before Link has time to die. Link will stand idly for the duration of the cinema; when it ends, he'll keel over dead.


What happens here is that a blocking event (Ghoma's death cinema) is triggered after Link takes damage but before the game plays his death cinema; as with all blocking events, the player's control over Link is revoked and changes to his state (such as taking damage or dying) are delayed until after the blocking event ends, at which point Link dies like he's supposed to.

Therefore, this glitch will likely work with any blocking event (any message box that prevents you from moving, or any cinema) and probably isn't just limited to Ghoma's death scene.

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