Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - The Disable Glitch
From ZeldaChaos
- Take out a bomb and set it down in front of you.
- Press B to take out your sword.
- Press and hold Z, but don't Z-Target anything.
- While holding Z, press and hold R as well to take out your shield.
- Now press A (If you are doing this as Child Link, you will have to have the Deku Shield equipped and hold the analog stick back to avoid taking damage from the explosion).
Link will try to pick the bomb up again, but he'll drop it just before it explodes. If you've done it correctly Link will block the explosion with his shield.
The A, B and C-buttons will now be disabled, so you can't talk to people, climb ladders, climb platforms, push things, etc.
To fix it, either take damage, leave the map, jump up onto a smaller platform, or try to do a backflip (Link will hop backwards). This will make everything work like normal.
The game seems to think that Link is in two separate states: shielding, and picking something up. When you're picking something up, you can't use the A, B, or C-buttons; and when you're holding Z and R (shielding while moving), Link's backflip is replaced by a "backhop".