Ocarina of Time Swordless Link - Flying Link

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Flying around in the Gerudo Valley.
Link is now far outside the Valley. The skybox can be seen, along with its missing bottom face. Also, if you look very closely you may be able to tell that the Hookshot's chain is very, very stretched out.
Looking into the Valley. A 3D technique called backface culling is making some of the walls invisible.
Levitating at Lake Hylia. It's quite difficult to levitate here because of all the Guays (crows) flying around.
Compatible Versions
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 GCN MQ 3DS
Question.png Question.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Discovered: Unknown
Verified: Yes


  1. As Swordless Link, call and mount Epona.
  2. Go to one of the places in the list at the bottom of the page.
  3. While on Epona, pull out the Hookshot/Longshot and shoot it at one of the objects it can "catch" onto. (If the Hookshot doesn't shoot, equip it to a different C-button or leave and reenter the area.)
  4. The Hookshot will "catch" onto the object, but because Link is on Epona, it won't pull him to it.
  5. Dismount Epona.


As soon he dismounts Epona, Link will levitate into the air. You can now move him around and even outside the normal area boundaries. However, the camera won't rotate much, and pressing Z will lock it completely, until you Z-target an enemy. If you look closely at the Hookshot's chain as you go farther and farther outside the level, you'll notice that the chain links are actually stretching like rubber!

To end the glitch, just hover into the object that you are grappled to; Link will be disconnected and will be launched into the air (he'll moonjump). Everything will then go back to normal. Getting hit by an enemy also ends the glitch, and it causes a moonjump as well.


  • If this is done in Lake Hylia, you can actually go outside the level. Simply get hit by a Guay while next to the wall. You MAY go over the wall and out of the level. Sometimes there is water back there that you can swim in, but sometimes you will just fall into the void and respawn where you entered the lake.
  • If you touch the ground while hovering Link will become stuck to it, you will be unable to move and will have to reset, unless you are hit by an enemy.
  • Depending what version of the game you have, Link may simply be frozen on Epona. You can still turn his body around to a limited degree, but all other buttons and actions are frozen except the start screens. Even if you completely unequip the Hook/Longshot, Link will be frozen on Epona. Time still passes normally.

Places you can do this

  • The ladder in Hyrule Field near the entrance to Lake Hylia.
  • One of the two scarecrows or the big tree in Lake Hylia.
  • The signs on ropes at either end of the bridge in Gerudo Valley.
  • The sign on a rope, the ladder next to the entrance to the Haunted Wastelands or the flag poles in the Gerudo Fortress.
  • Any of the targets in the horseback archery range. (From here, it's possible to hover into the Gerudo Fortress and fly over the wall, outside of the level.)
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