Ocarina of Time Swordless Link - No Z Trigger
- As Swordless Link, call and mount Epona.
- Use the Ocarina to dismount her.
- Pull out the Hookshot/Longshot. The game will start to beep continuously.
- Pull out the Ocarina to stop the beeping. Put the Ocarina away.
This glitch is almost identical to the First Person View glitch, and likely has a similar cause.
You will now being running around with part of the Z-Targeting feature disabled. Specifically, the camera will not react to Z-Targeting or the Z button -- it'll just float lazily behind Link when you Z-Target an enemy, and it also won't center behind him when you hold the Z button.
You can now see Link jumping and backflipping without the view centered behind him; it looks rather cool and can be tricky to control him.
In the 3DS version, Deku Nuts must be used to end the beeping, and the Ocarina Items Glitch or a mini-cutscene (Bottles filled with something) item must be used after you've dismounted Epona due to the dedicated Ocarina button blanking out.