Wind Waker Glitches - Back In Time
From ZeldaChaos
This glitch can also be performed in Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.
There are a couple methods to doing this glitch, the second and third of which will let you load the title screen practically anywhere.
Method 1
- A void you can fall into on the map.
- Jump into a void (e.g. off the bridge in Hyrule)
- Reset while falling. (NOTE: Timing is very precise, just like in Twilight Princess, but you'll have to figure out the timing on your own, or watch the video.)
You'll appear on Outset Island in your pajamas with no items and 3 hearts.
Trying to leave the map yields no results, forcing you to advance past the title screen by pressing START/PAUSE or A.
Method 2
- A way to die.
- Kill yourself.
- Say yes to continue, and about half a second later, soft reset.
You'll appear wherever you were in your pajamas with no items and 3 hearts.
Method 3
- A way to die.
- Follow the instructions from Method 2, but instead of resetting, hold B, X, and Start as soon as you answer Yes.
You'll appear wherever you were in your pajamas with no items and 3 hearts.
Apparently, pressing B, X, and Start acts the same as resetting (also resets in Mario Sunshine). So this method may be identical to Method 2 above.