Ocarina of Time Miscellaneous Glitches - Ghost Link

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? 1.0 1.1 1.2 GCN MQ 3DS
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Question.png
Discovered: Dominic Brassard
Verified: Yes


  1. Go to one of the corners listed below.
  2. Walk as far as you can into the corner and face into its center.
  3. Draw your sword and press and hold Z.
  4. Hold forward on the analog stick and press A to do a jumping attack into the corner.
  5. If you were aligned correctly with the corner, you will go through one of the walls. If you weren't, you may have noticed that Link went through the wall but then came back out; this means you are doing the glitch correctly, but your angle's slightly off -- use C-Up to adjust your angle and try again.


You will now be on the other side of the wall, an area you cannot normally reach.



Zora's Domain

As Adult Link, the corner is to the immediate right of King Zora.
See here: Under Zora's Ice

Kokiri Forest (Great Deku Tree area)

Go anti-clockwise around the Great Deku Tree until you reach the first area enclosed by roots (immediately after the Gossip stone). The corner is the one made by the root closest to Kokiri Forest and wall.
You can walk around on a small area of land outside of the normal game area.


Spirit Temple Entrance

In the Spirit Temple, as you enter, there'll be two snake statues to your left and right; the corner is made by the left hand statue and adjacent wall.
You can walk around inside the statue.


Forest Temple

In the Forest Temple, there are elevated platforms on both the left and right sides of the main room. On these platforms are doors, and on both sides of these doors are pillasters (square pillars coming out of the wall). The corners are made by the sides of the pillasters furthest away from the doors and the adjacent walls.
Jump off the small area of land you are on and you should land on invisible ground below. You will now be in another part of the Temple. However, you'll find that everything is completely black (no textures), and there are no enemies and no doors. (This is because you've bypassed a loading point.) The water is still there though, as are the climbable vines. You can access about half the Temple in complete darkness and you can still see the main room off in the distance, it looks really cool.


Kakariko Village (Death Mountain Entrance)

In Kakariko Village, the corner made by the side of the general store (as Adult Link; as Child Link it is the little boy's house) closest to Death Mountain and the adjacent rock wall.
Doing the glitch here will leave you on an area of land inside the house; walk into the door from behind and you'll end up in the general store (even if you do it as a child!).


Kakariko Village (Graveyard Entrance)

As you entering Kakariko Village from the Graveyard, the corner is made from the end of the stone "tunnel" closest to the Graveyard and the adjacent rock wall.
Doing the glitch here will leave you on a small area of land behind the wall. Before you do the glitch, throw some Cuccos into the middle of the tunnel; then quickly do the glitch, grab one of the Cuccos from behind the wall, and, while holding the Cucco, face towards the Well and walk backwards off into air. Float towards the Well and the bottom half of it will appear, float into the black area at the bottom, you will be taken to the Bottom of the Well. This lets you get into the Bottom of the Well as Adult Link, or earlier than you normally can.


Kakariko Village (Potion Shop)

In Kakariko Village enter the Potion Shop (as Adult Link; as a child it is a house with a construction worker inside) and exit out the back door. Walk straight ahead and fall to the ground below. The corner is now directly to your left.
After doing this glitch, you will be on an area of land underneath the Potion Shop; by using the Longshot on the nearby crates, you can pull yourself to other areas outside the usual level boundaries.


Temple of Time

In the Master Sword chamber of the Temple of Time, the corners are formed from two pillars, and the walls they are touching, next to the hallway that leads to the outer chamber of the Temple.
After doing the glitch, you'll find yourself standing in a small space inside the pillar.

Ice Cavern

In the Ice Cavern, go to the room with the revolving blade and take the right hand passage. In the room at the end of this passage, you can go between the ice and wall to your left as you enter.
Once behind the walls, you can walk around the outside the room.


Spirit Temple (Exterior Statue)

Go to the Spirit Temple as either Child or Adult Link, and go through the Child part of the Temple until you come to the outside area where the chest that had the Silver Gauntlets is. Behind the chest is the lower part of the giant statue's arm; climb up this part of the arm -- the corner is made by the upper part of the arm and the wall to your left.
Glitching through the corner will cause you to fall into the void.


Kokiri Forest

As Adult Link, exit the Kokiri Forest shop and face towards the Great Deku Tree. Jump into the water in front of you and go to to corner where the water meets the wall and ends; this is the corner you can go through.
By glitching through this corner, you can swim around underneath the ground in a limited area. This also lets you do the Zora Link glitch in Kokiri Forest.

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