Majora's Mask Any Item Epona - Mayor's Razor Sword
From ZeldaChaos
- Visit the Mountain Smithy and give your Kokiri Sword.
- Go forward in time to the next day.
- Do Mayor's Warp.
- Now do Song of Time Storage.
- Walk back to the Mountain Smithy.
- In the daytime: Bring up the stored Song of Time dialogue and choose "Yes". With the B Button scrambled, speak to the smithy and receive your Razor Sword. In the nighttime: Drop a fish and speak to the smithy. With the Song of Time dialogue brought up, choose "Yes" and wait for the B Button to be scrambled. Now move and receive your Razor Sword.
You have the Razor Sword on the 1st Day.
- Please refer to the Mayor's Frustration page to ensure your game file will not get deleted with your use of Mayor's Warp effect. Using a copied file is recommended.
- The Razor Sword is not saved permanently.
- A Deku Stick can be used to perform Infinite Sword Glitch.
- You must not take out your Ocarina after step 4 or the storage will be canceled.
- The Curiosity Shop method is in the video. It's not the recommended method; it's just there.