Compatible Versions
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- Go to the Zora Hall section of Great Bay.
- Go the area of land where Lulu is (or onto the giant Turtle, or somewhere else if you want).
- Equip the Ice arrows and the Deku mask.
- Shoot an Ice arrow into the water, it will form a platform of Ice.
- Put on the Deku mask and hop across the water onto the platform.
- Take off the mask and shoot another arrow.
- Repeat steps 5 & 6.
By doing this you are able go beyond the normal game boundaries. Normally you cannot because if you go too far out the game uses the excuse of murky water to send you back to shore, by doing this you don't enter the water (hence the need to hop from one platform to another).
As you get farther out the mist becomes so thick that you see almost nothing at times, once you get even further out the mist goes away.
- You can go all the way out to the temple off in the distance, once you get there you'll find that it's extremely small and you can go straight through it.
- Go even further out and you'll come to the end of the visible water, invisible water continues beyond the visible in some places though.
- Go to the right of the map and you can get behind the rock wall that extends far out into the water, behind it is a vast area of invisible water and an area of land which you can see if you look through the tunnel that leads to the other Great Bay area, the land is not solid though. Jumping into the invisible water will return you to wherever you entered the area.
- If you try and go beyond the boundaries to the left of the map you'll find that there seems to be an invisible wall that you can shoot arrows through but can't hop past, to get around this you have to make a walkway of platforms that you can walk along, anywhere that the platforms do not touch each other the invisible wall will appear.
I recommend that before you do this you drink a bottle of Chateau Romani so that you don't run out of magic power.
Unfortunately this is the only place in the game that this works.